Saturday Show & Tell

Hey team! Happy May long!
I plan on brunching with my gals and heading to the lake!
Just a couple of wee links for your Saturday!

Love is awesome and so are these proposals!

Hyperbole and a half is back! And she's talking about the Big D... Depression. I read this at work and started crying because often that's pretty much how I feel. And to people who have never experienced depression it's so easy to say "just look on the bright side". This is so important to talk about and to not feel ashamed about. This is reality.

These people live and work in a landfill and have found a way to make musical instruments out of rubbish. And they are amazing. It fills up my heart.

I've lived in London and reading this list made me have a physical yearning for that city that I love. I had no job, no money, and only 1.5 friends so it wasn't an easy time but that city is one of my heart homes...


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