Saturday Show & Tell

I'm super behind on reading blogs lately... So maybe that's what this weekend is for?

Any fabulous links to share?

I love when comparisons are made throughout the world because I love learning how other people live. Children posing with their toys is so interesting.

How to create a simple, eco and cheap beauty routine. 

Photos of identical twins side by side. Humans are neat!

What a delightful way to drink your coffee

Did you know that there is a contest for peep (those marshmallow nonsense birds) dioramas??

This video hasn't many words. But it made me cry. Apparently they had a madly passionate love in the 1970s and when it started to fizzle, they each walked from one end of the Great Wall of China, met in the middle for one last hug, turned and never saw each other again. The man came to the artist's performance without her knowledge. This is the first time they have seen each other in decades...
Your heart just knows love, you know?


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